Mention the word Schengen to most people and it will be received with a mixture of anger and frustration. We’ve been trying to come to terms with our travel restriction for a few years, although on 1 January 2021 it became real. Irrespective of your Brexit opinions it is here to stay and Schengen rules now apply to us if we want to cross into Europe. Managing the Schengen Shuffle, as we’ve called it, is a tricky one until you get your head around the rules. Let’s see if we can help.
We have decided to put pen to paper after seeing far too much confusion on our Motoroamers’ Chat Room in particular. It’s odd, I so thought we had ‘got it’ although one particular post challenged my thinking and got me into a right old panic. So we had two days doing more research, looking for blogs and trying to get clarity. Myles even built a spreadsheet so he could get it clear in his own mind. The one thing that I noticed was there was little by way of blogs relevant to motorhomers looking to extend their stays in Europe. So the culmination of our tears, tantrums and stress is this blog with the specific intention of providing information for those of us who want to do the Schengen Shuffle without risking getting a fine.
We realise that it’s a bit of a risk going public as you are so open to criticism although we wouldn’t do it unless we were totally comfortable in our information. So we offer our research, explanations and presentation in an attempt to help you. With examples of how trips might look, we want to give you knowledge and confidence in the Schengen processes. Although please we ask you to do your own calculations relevant to your trips. This blog is just to get us all clear on what we can and can’t do and all the terminology that seems to set out to confuse and get us tearing out our hair.
What is Schengen and what does it mean for us as travellers?
Schengen is the term used to describe the treaty that lead to a passport-free zone that currently covers 26 countries across the European continent. It was created on June 14 1985 resulting in individual countries ending border controls between members. The vision was to build ‘a Europe without borders’ creating a concept of free-movement. Five years later the Schengen agreement was implemented although in reality the policies and rules didn’t come into force until 26 March 1995. After this the Schengen agreement grew with more countries joining the original five members. And now 26 countries are part of the Schengen Area.
The essence of Schengen is that within the continent it abolishes border controls and the need for passports to cross from one country into another. This of course is favourable for those countries within the Schengen club. For all other countries outside of the Area, restrictions are imposed to the amount we can travel visa-free through the member countries. This has implications for us as we have now left the EU meaning we become a third nation country. We will be restricted to a 90 day limit in any 180 days. More on this shortly. At borders after leaving the UK, our passage into Schengen will be recorded either electronically and/or via a stamp on our Passport. It means that we will need to plan our trips more carefully to ensure that we don’t overstay our visit to the Schengen. At the moment we don’t have any data to state what the fines would be for exceeding our limit although we need to expect some sort of penalty. It is reported that different countries impose different fines and that won’t become clear for us until we are once again allowed to travel outside of the UK.
Currently 62 countries, including the UK can visit the Schengen zone for business or travel reasons without the requirement of a visa. In order for the Schengen countries to control security there is an electronic application called an ETIAS planned for sometime in 2024/5. This ETIAS enables citizens of third countries such as UK to enter Schengen without the need for a visa. So the good news is that we are visa-exempt for entering the Schengen area for up to 90 days. We will provide more information on this when implementation dates are announced. Although for the time being no ETIAS is required for our entry into Schengen.
Schengen Terminology made simple
Schengen country – Is a country who has signed up to the Schengen Agreement and thereby allowing freedom of movement across their borders. Visiting each of these countries means that we can only spend 90 days in each rolling 180 day period.
Non-EU Schengen country – There are members of Schengen who are not part of the EU such as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein although have for economic reasons decided to sign up to the Schengen Agreement.
Non Schengen country – There are three types of non Schengen countries. The first is Ireland who has opted out of being in Schengen meaning that we can visit without needing a passport or it affecting our 90 day allowance. The second are countries who are part of Europe although who are not part of Schengen such as Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia and Ukraine. The third are countries outside of Europe that we are able to access for up to 90 days that include Turkey, Cyprus and Morocco.
Pending Schengen countries – It’s important to set these countries apart from other non-Schengen countries as their membership is currently pending and under review. So Bulgaria and Romania are expected to join at some point in the future, although for now we are able to travel around these countries for up to 90 days, without it affecting our Schengen allowance.
Microstate de facto principalities – Aside of all these categories there are also four microstates that are principalities with a small population and few natural resources that whilst in Europe are not in Schengen. They are known as de facto countries and include San Marino, Vatican City, Andorra and Monaco. However because you cannot reach these countries without first going through a Schengen Country and there are no immigration border controls, they will count towards your Schengen Allowance.
Third Nation – This is the description used for countries that are outside of the EU. UK is now recognised as a third country following our exit from Europe on 1/1/21.
ETIAS – This is the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. Similar to the system required to enter US, during 2024 it is expected that we will have to register an ETIAS prior to entering the Schengen zone. It will cost around €7 per application. We watch with interest to see when or if this is instigated.
Rolling 180 days – This is one of the key elements of Schengen that is most misunderstood and yet so critical to our plans to Schengen Shuffle. Schengen is like an escalator; always moving, rolling. So not like a calendar where the months are static. The 180 days will move according to when you want to enter and exit from the area and it is a counting back exercise from those dates. I will talk more about this, although see your available time as moving and not static and this will ease your planning pain immensely.
Schengen entry and exit points – These dates are really important to us in getting our allowance accurate. Your entry date is the day you leave the UK (or a non Schengen country) and make your journey to a Schengen country and this counts as DAY 1 of your 90 days. Even if you leave the UK at 6.00pm at night, you must still count this as 1 day in Schengen, irrespective of the hours you have stepped onto Schengen soil. Your exit date is the day leave Schengen and move outside of the zone, either returning back to the UK or moving into a non Schengen country. This is also counted as 1 DAY, irrespective of the time you leave the Schengen area.
Schengen allowance – This is the second key element that we have to get our heads around. Understanding how our allowance works and more importantly how to calculate days spent in the zone is vital, to both your sanity and your noiseless navigation around Europe. So here we go. We have 90 days available within any 180 day period – as we know from above. We also know that this 180 day period is a moving beast and not static. So every time we enter and exit Schengen we must look behind us to see how many days we have already used up. The way to calculate this is;
You take your proposed exit date from the Schengen zone and count back 180 days to establish how many days you will have spent in the area. So as an example let’s take a trip into Schengen from 17 May 2021 with a proposed exit back to the UK on 16 July 2021. Using that exit date count back 180 days = 17 January 2021. Now you can work out how much of your 90 day allowance you have used up during this period and assess whether this trip therefore is doable. If you have spent too many days in Schengen already, then simply make your proposed exit date earlier.
Schengen/Non Schengen Map
Understanding which countries we can and cannot visit is imperative to us as we plan our European road-trips. So hopefully this visual map will help to grasp how to Schengen shuffle. Just bear in mind that new members are joining all the time.

There are a few points to make on this map; the originator of the map, over at the Schengen Visa website, didn’t differentiate Andorra, San Marino, Monaco or the Vatican City I guess because they were too small to annotate. So whilst these, for all intents and purposes, look like they belong to the Schengen area – they don’t. However because the border controls on the France and Spanish side exist for customs and not immigration, there is no stamping process. Therefore Andorra will not save you ‘Schengen Days.” Also please bear in mind that March 2024 it is anticipated that Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus will become members, which makes managing our Schengen Shuffle harder.
Ok, so as you will see from this map, it clearly shows those areas that are defined by the Schengen agreement and allows us to plan where we can and can’t go travel to. So first of all those countries that are purple are currently in the Schengen zone and means that we are restricted to 90 days in our rolling 180 days and so careful planning is required here to avoid any penalties for overstaying our welcome. More on this later.
The blue countries are those who are not in Europe although for economic reasons have decided that being part of the Schengen Agreement is important for their countries. So travel here impacts on our Schengen allowance and must be treated in the same way as the purple countries.
The green areas; the first is Ireland which has opted out of Schengen and the second are those countries currently with their application to Schengen pending. So for now we can travel here without having to use our Schengen allowance. Which is great news. Although please note that with effect from January 2023, Croatia is now a fully signed up member of Schengen, which means that travel here must be calculated into your 90 day allowance.
And finally the grey countries are those that are not part of Schengen and are known as Third Nations. So in theory we can travel here without our Schengen allowance being affected. Clearly we will have unlimited travel through UK and Northern Ireland whilst a trip to Turkey and Morocco will be allowed for up to 90 days. So this has some terrific opportunities for those of us wanting to do the Schengen Shuffle especially during the winter.
Managing the Schengen Shuffle – Some Scenarios
I think to really bring Schengen to life in a clear and non-scary way, we need to create some scenarios for you that will help you work out how your trips might look. So below we illustrate some options and how to calculate the days so you can dance your way around Europe without risking a Schengen penalty. For each of these scenarios, let’s assume that because of lockdown, none of us have been into the Schengen zone because of our lockdown periods.
Easy Schengen Trip – Out for 90 and back for 90
The easiest Schengen scenario is where you simply decide to leave the UK and head to Europe for up to 90 days and then come back to the UK for 90 days and then head out again for another 90 day block. There is little complication here as there is no Schengen Shuffling going on. And you have to be careful because your last day and first day of travel to and from Schengen still count and can catch you out. You simply leave the UK on 17 May 2021 and enjoy your Schengen countries for a full 90 days and then return on 14 August. That means that you can return to Schengen again for 90 days on 13 November. This calculator image below demonstrates this nicely.

Managing the Schengen Shuffle – Travelling for 11 months out of UK
Now we start to dance our way through Schengen and begin our shuffle. So you want to spend most of your time in Europe and perhaps not too much time in the UK. Given that most us need an annual MOT, coming back to the UK is necessary, although with some careful planning you can be out of the UK for up to 11 months and we did this in 2023 quite easily. We have shown you an example of how to do this using a trip down to Greece, over to Turkey and then back through Bulgaria and Romania. You could of course map the same sort of trip to include Morocco, which we have done successfully. You can also extended your visa in Morocco beyond the standard 90 days, which has huge benefits for our Schengen Shuffle.
You leave on 17 May and decide on just 80 days in Schengen so that you have a 10 day buffer should you need to get back to the UK in an emergency. (Bear in mind that if you did 90 in Schengen and then went to Turkey and something happened back home then you have no days available in your allowance to return to the UK. You would have to leave your van in Turkey and fly back. So just as an insurance policy, it is worth having a little buffer period if your circumstances back in the UK drive it.)
On 4 August you cross into Turkey and stay for up to 90 days. After which you return to Greece and take two days to travel to Bulgaria where with Romania you can tour for 90 days per country if you wish. (This will no longer be viable from spring 2024! For the purposes of our exercise I have shown 90 days in total for the two countries leaving Romania for Hungary where we re-enter the Schengen on 1 February. We now have a totally of 88 days to return to the UK allowing us to meander through Austria, Germany and France.

To illustrate this one further step; if you look at each of your exit dates and go back 180 days you can calculate how many days you have spent in Schengen. This is how it looks in practice;
- 4 August 2021 exit date – go back 180 days takes you to 5 February 2021. You have no Schengen allowance to consider in this period.
- Your next Schengen entry and exit points are 2 and 3 November 2021. Go back from 3 November 2021180 days takes you to 7 May 2021. During this period (which remember is a rolling 180 day period) you have used 80 days, so you have 10 left.
- Your next entry and exit points are 1 Feb and 29 April 2022. So again from your 29 April date go back 180 days, which takes you to 31 October 2021 where you have used 2 days, therefore your planned 88 days can be used to return back to the UK.
There are obviously lots of other options we could illustrate, although hopefully seeing how we could have 11 months out of the UK should give you some confidence to begin planning your own trips. The bottom line to remember is that if you shuffle your way from Schengen into Morocco or Turkey, then you can have an extended trip out of the UK and still get back in time for your MOT. Obviously in the examples that we have given above, it doesn’t take into account weather conditions that might influence your decisions and the dates are just illustrative. Also as a disclaimer, we must stress that it is vital for you to do your own calculations and planning to ensure that the trip you decide upon is doable without penalty.
Schengen Allowance and Date Calculators
As we have navigated our way around this topic both for our own trips abroad and also for this blog, we have come across some great tools that will keep you sane, safe and in allowance, which we profile here.

The first essential tool for managing the Schengen Shuffle is the Visa Calculator. This is our preferred calculator tool as it is clearer and easier to use. The calculator allows you to input your entry and exit date to Schengen and then it calculates when you must have left the area to prevent penalties. It also allows you to map in multiple trips, which is great. So no paper calculations are needed as in our experience they can lead to mis-planning. We strongly urge you to if not plan with this tool at the very least use it to check your predictions.
The second tool we found incredibly helpful is the Date Calculator. Trying to work out what 180 days back can be tricky even using your Phone’s calendar. So make life simple and use this site instead. It allows you to put in a date and then either add or subtract the desired number of days. It is terrific and makes life simpler, quicker and far less stressful than the classic ’30 days has September, April, June and November’.
I have saved both of these websites on my phone and popped them into a folder called Schengen so that I have easy access to them. You can do this too by going into their websites and tapping the three horizontal lines on the bottom right of your screen. Then you press Add page to and you can put it on your home screen.
Managing the Schengen Shuffle – Top Tips
Given we have now had plenty of time to get used to Schengen, these tips we hope might help, although with new members joining all the time, such as Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus @2024 and the ETIAS scheme, the follow tips have to be thought through carefully with your own scenarios.
- Perhaps the flexibility of travel may be jaded by Schengen with intuitive right turns limited under the restrictions. Although there is no reason why, certainly for now, we shouldn’t be able to enjoy full and rich travels through Europe. We just need to plan a little more precisely than we have in the past. Travel is still possible and so keep your minds positive and upbeat.
- Avoid going to the edge of your allowance. 90 days might be alluring, although in any plans we need to cater for the unforeseen such as family crises, illness, breakdowns and incidents and our Schengen Shuffling is no different. Make sure you give yourself some scope for emergencies or things that you hadn’t catered for. Don’t risk getting penalties for having to overstay because of that breakdown that cost you five days you hadn’t allowed for in your plans.
- Make sure if you visit Turkey and Morocco you will need to get additional insurance. UK Insurance companies such as our insurers Comfort have suspended their Morocco and Turkey cover. You can however get insurance at the border of both countries, which we have done successfully. For more information on Morocco, check out our free Ebook which gives you more essential information about your entry to this exciting African country.
- Make sure that your passports have at least 6 months left on them otherwise you may be prevented from travelling outside of the UK. Also make sure that you get a stamp from the Border Control to show your entry and exit points. Whilst it should all be automated, for us this is still so new, a stamp will prevent any disputes along the line.
- When you use the calculator to plan your trips, especially if they are multiple, take a screen shot and save it on your phone so if there is again any dispute you can demonstrate your dates using the calculator.
- Remember when travelling to the continent there are restrictions on the food you are allowed and prohibited to bring in. Check this website for the specifics otherwise you risk these items being confiscated.
- If you travel with pets, you should look to explore getting an EU Pet Passport otherwise you will be restricted to just 4 months in Schengen and non Schengen countries using the UK’s Pet Passport scheme.
- Keep your eyes open for Visa Extension information from each Schengen country. Whilst there are visas that you can apply for, for work purposes, there are few that cover tourism extensions. France offer a 6 month visa for travellers, which we have plenty of experience from our Motoroamers’ Chat Room we can share with you. Just click here and then do a search. This is now a very popular Schengen Shuffle strategy.
So this brings us to the end of our Managing the Schengen Shuffle guide. We hope that is has helped demystify some of the terms used and the confusions that have been building around what we can and can’t do. The bottom line that travel is still possible and more than perhaps we thought possible. So we hope that this will all feel hopeful and positive for you.
If you have any questions please drop us an email at and we will endeavour to answer them.
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That’s a lot of good information there. And of course if you take a ferry to Santander as part of your trip day 1 will be when you leave uk.
Yes absolutely James. Whichever departing vehicle you take be it plane, or ferry the day of departure will always count as day 1. Kx
As the Santander route is 24 hours,wouldn’t Day 1 be the day you arrive in Spain?
Hi Lynne sadly not. Day 1 is the day that you depart the UK irrespective of your destination. So by the time you arrive in Santander or Bilbao you would be on Day 2 of your 90 day allowance. Kx
Where is your evidence for this? And why was my passport stamped with the date we docked in Santander, not the date we cast off from UK?
Hi Brian. I’m sorry I don’t understand your question. Where is our evidence for what? Please be more specific so that we can answer your question. And sadly each country will have their own ways of doing of things, as we have seen. There are a lot of inconsistencies so I can’t clarify why you were stamped in Spain not the UK. Schengen is not an exact science it seems. Happy travelling.
I guess Morocco could also be an alternative bolt-hole?
Yes absolutely Richard. As we mention Morocco and Turkey are excellent non EU and non Schengen countries for us to visit for up to 90 days. Morocco is an especially good winter/spring destination and is where we will be going as soon as we can travel. If you fancy going there we have a free eBook on our experiences in Morocco. Just remember that not all companies cover Morocco and Turkey since we left the EU so be sure to check that they will issue you with a Green Card as the insurance at the Moroccan border is only 3rd Party. Kx
Ireland, you little beauty! I think this country is going to be we Aussie’s best little friend … being only allowed in the UK for 6 months, our proposed 2 year shuffle is going to need a third zone to take us in for a wee while whilst time limits reset! Thanks for all this hard work, you two!
Hi Zoe, yes absolutely Ireland will be a good option for you. 6 months UK, then you can have your 90 days in Ireland. We had friends from US who visited who said to watch out in Ireland for the stamps they give you on your passport. She only got a 60 day stamp although they had 90 and no one queried. Don’t forget Northern Ireland too – it is stunning especially the Giant’s Causeway. If you need any help on the UK aspect of your tour, do give us a shout as we have some info on the top spots. x
This is very good, but there is yet another issue that long term travel is the amount of time you are allowed have your Motorhome in the EU without importing it, or even having to pay tax to take it back to the UK.
At present the maximum amount of time the van can be in the EU is six months after which it must be imported.
This has nothing to do with Schengen at all and is extra hassle imposed by Brexit.
It seems that leaving the EU for a day with proof restarts the clock.
Hi David, thanks for your comment, although having looked at the Government website you are allowed to take your vehicle out of UK for up to 12 months without any issues. I can’t find any reference to 6 months limit so if you can provide a link it would be very helpful. thanks. Kx
Hi Karen
My understanding always was that individual countries impose that 6 month limit on vehicles, not the Schengen area, after which you are required to reregister the vehicle in that country. But I have always believed that you could leave France after just under six months, pop into Spain for a day, and then back to France and reset the clock for another six months. I may be wrong however……
Hi Tony, you are absolutely right and in theory that rule does apply although it is not always enforced, as I understand it. Schengen rules are different and are about people not vehicles. The rule you suggest does not apply in Schengen as it is a rolling 180 days so the popping out for a day to reset does not apply – sadly. Kx
We are new to owning a camper van but we visit Croatia regularly as we have a house over there. This guide ties up with the information I have gathered regarding the current (post Brexit) rules. Looks like every trip needs well documenting and make a point of getting your passport scanned or a stamp. Often at the Croatian border our passports just get a cursory look – no good if you are relying on proof of leaving the Schengen zone!
As Kiwis we have long been used to doing the Schengen Shuffle in the past – but with a twist. NZ has long standing bi-lateral visa waiver agreements with 17 of the 27 Schengen states. These waivers pre-dated and override the Schengen Agreement.
However, the new ETIAS rules may impact on these waivers, does anyone know if the situation has changed for NZers?
Also Cathryn (Aussie) above seems to feel that when travel on our (NZ or Aust) 6 month tourist visas in the UK expires that we need to stay out of the UK for 3 months – however we have always understood that a quick trip to EU resets the 6 month clock.
Anyone have any intel?
Hi Rodger my suggestion is to talk to Alan and Ruth over at as they are a Kiwi and Irish and they travelled around EU effortlessly. Certainly worth having a chat with them about their experiences. Kx
Come across your website when we searched ‘Schengen Shuffle’. Well done on pulling all the information together!!
We plan to leave Somerset at the end of Jan 2022, flash down through France (we’ve done a lot of France) and then spend around 80 days in Portugal, Spain and heading across Southern France, Northern Italy into Slovenia, before ‘shuffling’ into Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria and Northern Turkey. We then intend to head into Greece to incorporate some time with our kids at an AirBnB, before 80-90 days exploring Turkey in depth. This will then give us a route back through Bulgaria and Serbia giving us time to shuffle back into the Schengen Zone. Then Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, and back into France to try and find a house!!
Many challenges ahead, including the logistics, sorting insurance etc. etc.
Obviously the plan isn’t set in stone (no plan survives contact with the enemy!!) but we are really excited.
Brexit shot a big hole in our retirement plan, so we are determined to fight back.
If you’re interested we are
@wheretwo_ontheroad on Instagram.
We will devour your blog with interest to inspire and help our planning.
Sounds like a great plan. Glad the info has helped. It’s a bit of a mine field. Always happy to have a look at other peoples journeys so will have a look at your website. Have a great time. Scotland is a bit blustery today, LOL. Looking forward to getting to Spain in December, Covid permitting.
gosh, I’m sure after your excellent unravelling of the SS here would work it’s way into most people’s brains but I’m stumped at the 180 rolling days. I think I have an idea though for a new board game!
Hi Caron, it certainly is a challenge and even the border controls are getting confused. So we can only do our best and make sure we plan the best way we can and keep a record of your travel dates. kx
Every other site I have read on Schengen Visas state that Day1 is the first day that you enter the Schengen region (not the day you left your home country). From where did you get the info for your definition of Day1? This can make a big difference from someone coming from Australia (with a stopover on the way).
Good morning Tony. Thanks for your comment. This blog was written for a very specific audience primarily from UK owner motorhomes. So the text is written with that in mind. So when as Brits we leave the UK that departure assumes we will generally arrive in Schengen that same day, so this counts as day 1. For you guys coming from Australia, then yes absolutely, your day 1 will be the day you arrive in a Schengen country. Good luck and enjoy your trip over. Karen x
My husband has an EU (Polish passport) and has dual Nationality (UK/Poland) so he’s fine to travel, but I heard somewhere that as his spouse I can travel with hom in schengen without 90 day rule, is this another brexit myth or correct please
Hi Sharon, yes understand the same. We can’t verify it personally as we are both on British Passports, although we have friends and have met other travellers who have a partner of EU nationality and yes it is true that their partners are able to travel freely – as long as they are with them. And this is the only fly in the ointment. If you need to travel separately for any reason, then you are stamped as a British passport holder and it is unclear what the implications are, should you need to travel and your stay inside the Schengen with your husband, has exceeded the 90 day allowance. Hope that helps.
My sister’s car broke down on a motorway near Munich and because it needs to be repaired will overstay her Schengen Visa. She is trapped in Germany on her own and urgently needs advice. Her Visa runs out tmw and she will not be able to travel home to the UK in time.
Hi Chris, sorry to hear about your sister’s situation. There are two things that I can think of. First is to take a flight home and see if the garage will store her vehicle for her. Not an ideal solution however. The other alternative is that she get documentation from the garage with receipts that states the vehicle needed repairing and was not roadworthy. Then she can present that to the Border Police if her passport information is questioned. There are valid reasons for her overstay, so hopefully this documentation will produce empathy! My other thought is that because the system is not yet systemised, perhaps they won’t look at calculating her days. Whilst this is not a infallible option, the Border Police have so many people to check and to sit and calculate everyone’s dates would be impossible. They might do a random check perhaps. Plus given that she might only be a week or so over, given the circumstances, she would probably be ok. I would be interested to know what happens Chris. Send her our best and suggest the paperwork idea. Kx