The blog
The blog
Writing about our experiences gives us pleasure as we share how we feel, what we see and the impact a place has on us. Check out all our historical blogs here.
If you want to view the archive you can find the link here and also in the menu.
Photographic Friday – a weekly peek at our travels
This week’s Photographic Friday, gives you your weekly peek at our travels through my camera lens. A unique and personal look at some of...
How to enjoy festive traditions when you don’t like Christmas
Christmas celebrations in our “house” are a simple affair and lasts for a day or two at the most. It certainly isn’t our favourite time of...
Photographic Friday – a weekly peek at our travels
After the revelry of last week and entertaining my bestie for her Birthday on New Year’s Day, I’m a bit late on my latest Photographic...
Photography Friday – a weekly peek at our travels
This week’s Photography Friday, gives you a peek at our travels as we continue our passage to our Christmas destination with our friends....
Photographic Friday – a weekly peek at our travels
As part of a new focus for next year, I have decided to hone my skills. Whilst my phone does a great job for social media, my Big Bertha...
Love or Loathe Christmas – our perspective
Christmas can be a contentious issue. Love it or loathe it, it’s here to stay. So inspired by a post by my lovely friend Anna on her blog,...
Uncovering the best bits of Spain’s Iberian Wolf Centre
Getting off the beaten track in any country rewards you with unexpected and beautiful discoveries. No more so than our winter 2024 race...
Upgrading your ferry cabin – is it worth the money?
As our distance from UK shores inched ever further away, we had the space to reflect on our sailing choices. Was upgrading our ferry cabin...
Uncovering the Magic of London in 3 days
England’s capital is one of the finest in the world. After an absence of many decades we took a city break at the end of our 35th Wedding...
5 ways to lose money in the stock market -What you need to know
The Stock Market is like a bag of revels. Loads of goodies to enjoy but there's also that one, you know the coffee one. In this blog, 5...
A Nomad’s Perspective on the Bare Necessities of Life
Living life on the road has its challenges, just like any lifestyle choice. One of our first realisations was how minimalistically we must...
Now is the time to put Digital into Digital Nomads
9 years ago we proudly downsized our traditional lives into one small storage unit and a motorhome and then hit the road. Working remotely...
Despite Being Nomads we still have a need for Storage
A life on the road really does mean simplicity at its broadest level. From what you pack, wear, cook and play with. Yet despite being...
Time to make a bid for Freedom from the Matrix
Our freedom from the Matrix is quantified by the amount we are hooked into the system. Travel gives us access to be free from the ties...
How best to experience the Isle of Mull by Motorhome
If you're thinking about a trip to Scotland in your van, then the Inner Hebrides will not disappoint. In this blog we share how best to...
A Company lifecycle-when to buy and sell- What you need to know.
Investing in companies is a great way to build wealth and create financial stability. In this blog, A company lifecycle I'm going to take...
Six steps to Financial Freedom: what you need to do
You could win the lottery I suppose but you've more chance of winning the office sweepstake when you pick Norton's Coin in the 1990...
8 investing mistakes to avoid- what you need to know
This is going to be quite a cathartic blog for me because I have been guilty in the past of every single one of these mistakes. In this...
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