When you were our holidays, we loved the precious time you gave us, where we had the space to retreat, rejuvenate and reconnect. Into the mix you would offer us a brief glimpse into the culture of our temporary home. Whether that was food from the local hostelry, a street market that would tempt our culinary delights, or perhaps even a regional celebration that honoured a local custom. You encouraged us to dip our toes into a way of life that seemed far removed from our own stressful existence. Returning home we would often recall our experiences and studiously review our photo album, sighing with a longing that accompanies that inevitable back to reality.
Sometimes because of the way our lifestyle panned out, you were simply days out or short breaks away; we loved the escape you opened up for us, which quite simply used to get us away from life’s grind. A day-trip in the car or a city break gave us a destination to blow away our corporate created cobwebs. A rare treat to remove ourselves from the daily routines of professional and domestic chores which, in that moment, made us feel alive. Whilst these may have been all too short, sometimes they were all we could squeeze in amongst the stress ball of life.
And then three years ago, you showed up in all your glory – Travel, the full frontal experience. You gave us a chance to fill our lives with adventure, freedom and choice – riches beyond our imagination. And whilst we look back at our vacations and short breaks with fondness, they neither fulfilled us nor changed our lives. Their healing necessary although their longevity impermanent.
Yet the opportunity to enjoy every inch of your personality has been profound. You are the greatest teacher, the most flamboyant of moments and you provide the most deep-rooted memories that exceed every expectation. We feel privileged to have connected with you at such a deep level. To have shaken hands with your hospitality and ridden the rollercoaster of adventures that have taken us to the peak of joy and the depths of stress. Each one proving that we are alive and free.

You are not, it must be said Travel, always joyful. You are at times like a teenager throwing tantrums that capture us in your trail of destruction like a shoal of fish. Testing, pushing, stretching – although it is in these tempestuous moments that our characters are defined, refined and honed. Our coping mechanisms are so much more resilient because of your challenges.
Travel, you have taken us on a journey that with each step makes our heart beat as fast as a pair of star-crossed lovers on their first date. Around every corner you gift us with fresh vistas that take our breath away. You present us with stunning sunrises that herald a new day and powerful sunsets that gather the joys of that day underneath their rose-coloured veil.

For the last three years you have invited us on your journey of discovery revealing far more than just the cultural uniqueness of the countries we have visited. You have subtly mentored us to look within and understand more about our nomadic selves, uncovering the simplicity of life that exists beneath the stars. With your help, each day we remove ourselves from the corporate and commercial hub that imprisoned us and start to relish the truth that is entwined around life. How little we need to thrive; how little our materialistic possessions define us and how much more freedom we have when we grab the reigns from life’s galloping horse.
With these gifts that sit underneath our eternal Christmas Tree, how enriched our life has become. Each morning we awake with gratitude as the sun dawns and with eager anticipation we await the day’s lesson. It’s not always an easy class, as sometimes you throw a curve ball or two to stretch us. Although thanks to your solid foundation we cope so much more easily with those tests. Our stress from the old days are a dim and distant memory as deep wounds heal themselves and a fresh perspective graces our minds.

Home for us now can be found wherever our tyres stop for the night. That temporary abode is as homely as any brick wall and front door. We have embraced the open road and the wide open spaces that span the globe. And so when our wheels stop from their incessant roll, we breathe in the peace from the sanctuary that you have carved for us; beside the beach, in the bosom of the mountains or nestled beside a babbling brook.
Is this why when we return to the source of our birth ‘home’ that we feel so unsettled?
The girl who was a home-bird, who found the security of her house comforting and stabilising – now craves the open road. The itchy feet syndrome never feels so real as when we are drawn back to UK. Sometimes for three weeks, sometimes for three months, we have pitstops that are always purposeful and necessary although feel so strange. What a dichotomy. Returning to the nest yet not feeling at home.
Travel, this is your greatest puzzle. You have captured our hearts so gently and gracefully that we feel almost lost in the familiarity of our home country. And this is nothing to do with those we hold dear. They remain the same gorgeous and kind-hearted souls that we love unconditionally. No this is more about us and how we have been affected by your infectious path. We have learnt to be mindful in every moment, although I must confess that our minds often wander to the day when we return to the road.
We never really appreciated what it meant to have itchy feet as we lunged from one stressful situation to another in the corporate web of yesteryear – driven only by the next pay check or weekend retreat. Now blessed by a self-generated freedom, the generosity you have shown us makes us crave more. An addiction that feeds the soul, nourishes the mind and nurtures our human instincts for discovery, adventure and evolution.
With every passing day we find ourselves longing to return to your route-map and are thankful for the love and support we have to follow our dreams. Travel, you have enriched our lives and we look forward to our homecoming as our tyres hit the tarmac for yet another new adventure.
Travel, we thank you for the lessons, the discoveries and the personal realisations that have made us grow as human beings and, and with hope as our companion, may it be for many years to come. Draw us further into your web of intrigue and massage our life with experiences that create a page-turning book of intrigue, passion and discovery.
With love and gratitude..
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Beautifully written and very inspiring
Thank you Enid, lovely of you to say. Kx
Beautifully written as always and so inspiring,we can’t wait to get back on the road albeit for a few months at a time. Happy happy days x
Thank you Jackie. I bet you are so excited about getting away. Here’s to our travels. Kxx
Hi both. We are setting out on our full time adventure in April. Looking at going into France in June and staying away until the following April. Have you any posts or blogs on how you sort out van insurance and recovery for that amount of time away? We are not bothered about being recovered back to Blighty once we are away just want to remain legal. Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mark and Susannah x
Hi guys, do keep in touch – I hope our email was helpful. April will be here before you know it. Kx
This is a very inspiring post than invite us to reflect on the deepest meaning of traveling and experiencing the world but also ourselves as world citizens.
Hi Federica, thank you. Kx
Once you start this life as we have done, I’m not sure there’s any going back…Do you think we should start thinking about pooling funds to buy retirement homes all over the world?! Beautiful piece Karen, it definitely speaks to me too.
Hi Nicky, thank you. Strange I can’t even begin to think as far as retirement and what that might look like, although having a collective set of houses for us to visit in our retirement might well have legs! Kx
Lovely post and good use of your time during repairs. I like Nicky’s idea above about buying retirement homes all over the world.
Beautifully written & captures perfectly the excitement & awe we feel when we have been bitten by the travel bug!
Thank you Sue. Kx
What an interesting post and I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog about your travels. I don’t think there’s any ‘right’ way to live life and it’s great to read about the alternatives!
Hi Nancy, yes I agree that there is no ‘right’ way – except what is ‘right’ for you personally. Kx
Very well written! I can imagine what a full time life of travel could be like. At this stage I’m still on those short getaways!
Hi Alma, thank you so much. Better to travel sometimes than not to travel at all. Kx
It feels so inspiring! Travel and not wait anymore! It’s what I am doing now just in a bit different way. Stunning pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Anita, thank you. Travel is the very best teacher. Kx