9 years ago we proudly downsized our traditional lives into one small storage unit and a motorhome and then hit the road. Working remotely...

van life
van life
How best to experience the Isle of Mull by Motorhome
If you're thinking about a trip to Scotland in your van, then the Inner Hebrides will not disappoint. In this blog we share how best to...
Morocco – An Epic Journey that unveils its Desert Landscape
Dispelling desert myths - Did you know? Before I pour my love affair of the desert upon this page, I thought I would share some...
What’s it like visiting Italy?
Buongiorno e benvenuto! Italy has been our home for over three months in the last three years and it's been an experience of Highs and...
A Road Trip Through Poland
Poland's depth and character unfold the longer you stay; each week grabbing hold of your heart just a little bit more. In Part 1 of our...
Stepping off the Treadmill
Stepping off the Treadmill and sailing the Dream By Jenevora Swann A former MD of an international travel PR agency shares her experience...
The Best Restaurant in Budapest
The Motoroamer's Restaurant Review For some people eating is a passion and cooking is a work of art; for others, it’s just a necessary...
The Best Drives in Romania
If you're a petrol-head, what would you class as the 'Best Drive in the World?' Let's face it, there are plenty to choose from and many...
Zarnešti Bear Sanctuary, Romania
"The thought of seeing traumatised bears in captivity, albeit in the care of a loving environment, made me shudder." Mother Nature...
A Guide to Travelling Mindfully
Navigating mindfully through the bad days "We often hold this notion that when we move house, change our job or the car that magically...
Travelling the world as an introvert
As I’m sat in the mountains just north of Brasov, Romania, with the early morning cloud tickling the tree tops in a mischievous manner,...
Overcoming Travelling Challenges
So here's the thing. We buy a motorhome which soon becomes our pride and joy and we float on Cloud 9 dreaming of adventures and the...
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