There’s a few things that are certain, they say; death, taxes and I think change. From a young age we learn to handle change, even if it’s not very well. Going to school after the sanctuary of home with your family, then the upheaval of normal daily life; moving house, getting a job, marriage, having children.
Where ever you look there is change just waiting in the wings for us, like an expectant pickle. So I wonder why our inability, generally speaking, to manage that change ends up being so stressful? I guess part of it is that as children we are resilient and we just get on with it. As we get older, the pressures of Social Media, the expectations of others and fear all contribute to making change feel awkward and uncomfortable.
In March 2016 we set out to create our biggest life change and during the course of my professional career, I have learned a lot about change. So, I had the perfect opportunity to apply what I’d learned and taught others over the decades. Of course nothing is ever perfect and there were trials and tribulations to navigate – I just think that that is part of life. Although certainly I think we faired pretty well over the course of our ‘change’ year and in the following months as we lived changed, quite literally, from one day to another. That’s what life on the road has taught us.
So I wanted to capture the change process we went through in the hope that may be, just may be it would help someone else out there, embarking on a life change of their very own.
If you are about to make a big life-change and turn your world upside down – in a positive way, then why not download this FREE infographic. It’s based on our experiences of moving from Somerset on 4 March 2106 into Scoobie the Motorhome full-time and travelling around Europe, whilst working digitally to pay our way.
We hope it helps you navigate this exciting and scary journey with ease.
Of course if you are feeling like you can’t cope with the change affecting your life right now, then feel free to get in touch with me in my coaching capacity and I will happily support you through the turmoil you are experiencing, if it is appropriate and within my scope. Until then enjoy this free download, with our love.
Click on the link to DOWNLOAD for FREE NOW! Top10Tips4change